Am An Addict

I love reading. Will read anything & everything from that slip of paper swaying in the wind before it finds a spot on the sidewalk, to biographies in the library. Will read countless emails & IMs from fam and friends, online press releases, installation manuals, blogs, even those 60,000 word professional documents I work name it, regardless of the languages it's written in, trust I will read it, internalise and analyse it...("urrrgh, who brought in this sorry nerd!"...murmur the bored AA-Addicted Anonymous attendees)
For nearly a year and a half now I've been getting my daily, nerdy fix from Wikipedia, that fast-growing online super warehouse of knowledge. I fully revel in it & indulge as if reading will be banned tomorrow. You will find me everyday browsing through articles on music, art, politics, history...kamilisha sentensi kwa jibu linalofaa.LOL!
I lose myself so much in Wikipedia it virtually becomes Akieypedia, with me, bloodshot, wide-eyed & info-thirsty looking around like a deal-catcher seeeking the latest arrivals at Nairobi's Gikomba market, a videogamer looking around for the latest Madden Games, like a damsel on 5th Avenue frantically seeking Vera Wang's latest robes, or feeling great like a loving, young Digo couple holding hands on their way home after selecting fresh fish at Likoni Ferry's Soko ya Samaki...and I mos def feel hyped like a mixtape DJ ruffling through crates of music LPs searching for that one beat that will change the music scene...
Today I take a break from Akieypedia mania, allow you to sit on that couch and wonder to myself: what's your addiction...?!
its good to have you back , though just wondering , you said your last post was the last on blogger sasa nini hii tena ? au umegeuka kana wanasiasa :-) or wordpress could not take care of your expansive needs ???
loved the concept of Akieypedia ( and I am not just saying it .if it was crap ningekuambia )
PS:young digo couple holding hands after selecting fresh fish .. you touched a nerve there. 'tis been a while since I visited the place last I checked the fish stalls were replaced by all types of junk imported from china , they say its the freemarket , fishmongers have since been relegated to the far ends though bado bidhaa iko safi . leo jioni Tafi na nguru kwa heshima yako :-p
Hey Akiey, i thought you were back on a dot com.
I do not have addictions. I read yes but not your type (geekious) i mean.
Pain. LOL
I don't have an "active" addiction. Just a few that I pick and drop from time to time.
Yes you are back!
My addiction is loving my husband. I absolutely am addicted to it.
Just like the lyrics from Robert Palmer's song, "Might as well face it, you're addicted to love", I am facing it and loving it as well.
mine are two - music and documentaries. i spend hours on both, kwanza if i watch a badly researched documentary i'll have to go out and look for another one on the same topic or if i can't get a song out of my head i'll have to look for it. as for you and akieypedia, you have just won!
Bro is back
Lakini I know you have an addiction similar to mine of participating!!!
Kweli uwongo?
Na useme ngwe!!!
Really wonderful to have you back, azizi and this time I hope it is for keeps. My addictions are books and music. I cant live a day without one or the other.
Yay! He is back. Thought you were gone for good.
we back or...wp killing you?
I could run with that concept of akieypedia
And he is back...well Akiey you know me .....I need you to fafanua or to what extent this query can be answered coz I 'm addicted to stuff, people etc I may not want to share publicly:-). Ilove the sound of Akieypedia...
maitha, Thanks for the welcome back, now where's the kaimati & kahawa chungu?LOL! Last post was to be my last on blogger & blog as a whole. Not to act like a mwanasiasa but I truly had no plans of resurfacing. Check last post's comments.
Ni poa kabisa but wp haiwezi kamwe kukidhi mahitaji yangu ya burdani mbalimbali:( I trust you'll be honest enough to tell me when something I post is below par. Akieypedia has brought me lots of good & will soon join in with Ndesanjo & Msangi Mdogo to update the Swahili Wikipedia.
Didn't know about changes at the soko ya samaki in Likoni. Now taking over the fish vendors' stalls (some have been there over 50yrs!) to make room for lousy junk irritates me. Time to restore people's dignity not sell them out!
-Enjoy the tafi, nguru & sulisuli on my behalf. I miss all that big time. One day soon, very soon!
Shiroh, I was going to move to a dot com but stuff happened & I came this close to hanging my blog gloves...I did actually until something drew me back.
I've been reading since my parents first taught me to read & write. I thank them for that bcoz I only was a kabrainy by the time I started nursery school:). So...what's your true addiction Counsel?LOL!
MsK, Pain is a sign of weakness leaving the body...or is it a sign of dumbness leaving the brain? LOL! Makes me wonder what your inactive addition(s) could be Missy.
Sijarudi yet, napitita tu to test the waters. Do check back.
mindteeq, Am here & will try to stay Tee (wink),:) I really like that Robert Palmer song & it's trend setting video (remember Shania Twaine had a version of her video featuring male models & George Michael's song had female models lipsynching his lyrics?).
Well, for the awwsome wifey in you, how about Al Green's "Let's Stay Together". Give it a listen tonite, could make you more addicted:)
spicebear, We most def share those two addictions bcoz I can never have enough of good music & I work, think, eat and at times eevn sleep to music. Documentaries, now you're talking & you sound like someone raised in our family, lol! Eti, you want to do over some poorly done documentaries, hey J, there you take the gold!! ....a little bird whispered that you love,love history kabisa!
-Now, how about including my akieypedia collection of ideas into Wikipedia's main index?
Milooooo!, Yebo brother! How are the Hottentot treating you....or is it how you're treating them? Bet you're referring to participating in nation building & such like right?LOL!
I've just said n'gwe! so wacha mchezo,lol!
Mshairi, Thanks for the Ahlan wa Sahlan aziza & I hope there'll be nothing else to prompt my departure. I had very, very big plans for my sites & all so will see how things pan out. Your love/addictoin for books I sensed & am one among many awaiting your poetry books. You addicted to music? I know for a fact (thanks for the mixes you mailed over. Very good taste, I cherish them!).
Prousette, Nearly left the building for & it's ceaseless happenings I tell you! Anyway, will try to stick around. Thanks & how's little Nyumi doing? Tell him "Ca roule!" for me.
Msanii, We backish XL despite balaaz with wp. You know me & reading, had to get to the book knowledge in check before getting the street knowledge since I was a toto in Msa. No regrets bcoz it kept me focused & has opened unimaginable doors along the way.
Soon we'll have akieypedia as part of Wikipedia's arts & humanities section. Giving it time,lol!
Irena, Thank you my friend! I would refer you to akieypedia but seeing we're still renovating here & there, plz excuse our dust while in this virtual encylopedia. All the same, I would say your addicted to stuff, people exhibits your highly extroverted innerself that you at times keep in check to avoid losing your sense of direction.
Ok, now enjoy your time on that couch as you surf on your new Dell Inspiron E1505 with Intel Core Duo Processor:)
Bestest:You are so right about "checking myself before I wreck myself" .Remember that saying "In silence, man can most readily preserve his integrity" ,well I'm trying to Vivo like that..Yeay, I 'm enjoying this new Benz Man.
I meant, I m trying vivere like that. Ahh these templates should give an "edit comment" option.
Guess who's back? It's Aikey!! Yeah!!! (or should that be 'yay' (milo. 05/06)?)... Good to have you back on de block bro.
Very good. My addiction is surely reading too...
Ahhhhh! A fellow reader. I really cannit get enough of it ever!
Isn't it just the best...and when you do not read for a while you feel like your brainis dying?!!! uh oh!
lol@ Kikomba clothes.....
And I love the way you put up songs. Si you hook a sister up with sean Paul's 'temperature'. Me, I Love it love it. love it.
Good day. And today, it is WEDNESDAY.
LOL again @ April Fool's.
Keep well.
Are you back for good Kaka or just testing the waters?
I am addicted to BOOKS and my current hobby.
Glad you're back blogging coz I enjoy reading your posts! I'm addicted to the internet, coffee, chocolate truffles, Trident tropical gum, SouthPark, and books (both deep and trashy ones! I don't read manuals or sci-fi though). If I went for a couple of days without the above, I'd start feeling deprived. Wikipedia is one of my fave sites too.
Books. And Bread (although I have to be admit the last one is a wicked wicked addiction that makes my butt spreads) Cooking. Good company.GUMMY BEARS (esp black forest)Fine Clothes and Fine Jeweller.
yup bro number one is back....tho even i was/still am away
glad to know the mvita don is around
My addictions are ever changing - right now its ebay...and rum
addictions ... well, let's see - been addicted to blog-surfing for the last 1 week ... lots to discover.
It seems my lack of addiction has been ignored
I am kinda blogaddicted.
Internet addicted too.
Magazines (i want my money back on all the useless ones i have bought)
Irena, Getting you loud & clear and let me share my other mantra with you "Chi va piano, va sano e lontano", that way there's zero to no chance of wrecking yourself msichana:) Yep, blogger has issues at times esp while trying to edit.
Bet you're having a great time on the comp benzo!
mutumia, lol, it's bothe "yeah" & "yay", not to worry, am still scouting ina da yard & will drop by yours. Hey, are you still doing the Shaba Ranks signing thing at the bank? I should make a satire piece of that soon .
-I sensed you too were a reading nut...could tell from the way ideas run thru your mind onto your posts.
KenyanMusings, Almost Wednesday again!lol!! thanks for last week's reminder:) Yeeeeaah, another avid reader!!! There's been times when I feel like my brain's frozen for lack of intellectual stimulation. Nice day to you too!
-Sean Paul's "Temperature" coming to a mailbox near you. Check in a day, and don't you get too excited like you're in Gikosh,lol!Nice day to you too!
Uaridi, Sema Dada! Seeing yours and fellow KayBees' responses it's obvious this reading ship has many passengers, or is it a Kenyan thing to always seek knowledge, esp the kind hidden between the front & back cover of the things we call books? ...your current hobby, could this be the one for which many of us placed orders for next winter?
-Testing the waters & if warm enough will stay. More like the methali: "Maji ukiyavulia nguo, sharti uyaoge"
Girl next Door, Glad to know you've been a loyal reader! Thanks, could just give me two reasons to keep blogging:)
-I share some addictions that you have esp Internet & books. Coffee, love the scent but I avoid it after 6pm, not good for an insomniac head you know. No fun of sci-fi books or movies either but can take historical or 1920s-30s & 1960s mafia movies anyday.
-If you're so much into Wikipedia maybe you could consider contributing articles as well?
Stunuh Jay,, -Fine clothes & jewelry? No wonder I call you The Number One Stunuhi !lol! You too make me feel am in good company surrounded by seekers of knowledge, Yeah, let's keep flipping those pages & soak in the knowledge. Bread, love it & can eat it day & night. LOL! @ makes my butt spread. Burn the calories for every intake of loaf Stunuh!
Nick, Sema bro, I hope you're still hanging around. Saw your new, well-done post. You topped yourself this time around!! Yep, the Mvita Don's here taking care of some little business as ideas race up & down his mind
Drunk Wench, Nice to have you here & very interesting name you got there:) Share more on the eBay addiction....are you trading in rum online? Your mention of rum reminds me of way back in 1700s-1800s pirates in the caribbean region that would down so much rum & ran amock.
Mama Mia, Enjoy blogsurfing & may your 1st week on it lead to several dozen weeks time 12 with us. Karibu!
Shiroh, great you popped back in with some addiction confessions counsel:) Believe it or not but I too am so into magazines (have mentioned it several times on both blogs) & am seriously going to publish & own several in the near future. Will ensure you don't have a reason to ask for your money back from subscribing to my mags:)
And food. Junk food.
Reading is a fine addiction apart from lack of sleep I guess...I'm slightly addicted to cheese - usually on some form of bread based product...
My name is Medusa, and I'm addicted to music and books and tea and ice-cream and good food and shoes and pretty underwear..and talking to him* :)
Last night, while waiting for a friend at a bookstore- I had 3books in my lap, I wanted to read them all..I remember being distressed because I couldn't pick one to read first..geez!
Oh..and Music- I'm not kidding, I would surely wither and die without it..true story.
@ Akiey, the ebay thing is both selling and buying for me ..though I do like shopping online alot !
Rum is my fixer upper of sorts what more can I say - and I like the spiced rum by the way...
Counting the days before I get enrolled to an AA meeting ( I know Im not turning myself to them voluntarily, and a tranquilizer dart would be involved as well )
Welcome back!
All I can say is thank God for Wikipedia coz it brought you BACK.
Welcome back sir, we missed you and next time you pull that one on us again we are coming after you.
Have a good weekend, homie.
Hey all, let me do this concert thing tonite & will get back to you all & with new posts & pics here and on
Nice weekend everybody!
i'm addicted too
I dunno I have seasons of addiction
For now its football
Actuallly I do have a knack for reading abit plus I love sleeping especially in office meetings!!!!
I have not been here in eons.As for addictions I would say one of mine is music (I have 2000 plus tracks from all genres),blogging (300 plus posts) and physical activities (for me I dont feel right unless I am going to the gym,doing a martial art or yoga),surfing the net(there is always something new to find).Nice post!
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