Simple Yet Complex

When my time is up on this 3rd rock from the sun,
will I be remembered more as a digital artist or the trained professional that I am?
If, and since I devote as much attention to my art
as to my chosen profession, will my works of art impart
greater precedence over the works of my mind and heart?
Until then, I will strive to make simple of complex things
And complex of otherwise simple things.
Bcoz such is the principle of my art.
As such, years from now, will anyone touched by my work,
artistic or professional regard akiey's time on God's green earth
to be as good as what...
Pele is to football as Samora Machel is to martyrdom?
Dr. Dre is to G-rap as Mother Teresa is to saintly?
Mental is to Kaybee as Aime Cesaire is to freedom?
Iman is to modeling as Mikhail Gorbachev is to Ruski?
Clinton is to admirable as Necessary Noise is to exceptional?
Kipchoge is to athletics as Larenz Tate is to versatility?
Mc Solaar is to rhythm as Fundi Frank is to fashion?
TeeTee is to akiey's ifey as Lebron James is to simply amazing?
hmm...u just got me thinking!! thanks for the push in that direction...
You will be remembered for your photography, photo editing and videography skills, azizi.
You will also be remembered for other things such as your kind soul, your wacky sense of humour, your loyalty and love for your family and friends. Of course, they will also say - 'he never really used to sleep that much, did he?":)
As for me, azizi, I hope my gravestone will read:
Here lies Mshairi
She tried and sometimes succeeded in writing poetry.
your tombstone will read 'here lies akiey, who has finally gotten some shut eye ...'
but seriously, this post was most definately worth the wait (i shall stop pressurizing you for a while now) hmm, i hadn't really given much thought to what i will be remembered as being exceptional in after i die. definately food for thought.
you will be remembered in thine minds as clear and as vivid as ur pics..."for u help others remember others thru ur works and thru them works u will be remembered by others" Tato 06. :))
i dont care what i'll be remembered long as i am remembered.
U will be remembered as the person who made others known through him and world recognize of them and it will be written here lies Akiey who cant click the shutter to take any picture or film anything.
You are different things to different people sometimes even at different times.
I shall remember the photos mostly because that is what I came in contact with/about you most times.
Am still working om my epitaph.
Larenz Tate, you know I had a major crush on that dude...mmh...Menace to Society!!
Tee Tee?? Huh??? Hmmm??? LOL! Just kidding ;)
You'll be remembered for your finesse and perfection in the things you do - anything you touch turn to p.l.a.t.i.n.u.m...need I say more?
You're also a vibrant and outgoing know, I can go on and on like the Energizer battery, but I gotta stop right here!
About me? Well, time will surely tell :)
NB: I got the hint on L.K! You just had to go there :)
The artist extraodinaire. A natural, self made. Untaught, untainted. Stepped up to the plate, and hit the ball out of the park. A home run!
Hi Aikey, hope you had a good weekend. I had asked for your help in posting an mp3 file, given that you are the expert, break it down for a brotha, not in techi terms but simple ABC.
Otherwise hope all is well, over there..
kipepeo, Glad to have gotten your grey & white matter working on this. Feel free to come around & share:)
mshairi, Aww, I take a bow and feel honoured by your being so candid. Coming from a friend that knows so well, who am I to doubt that aziza?:), and I sure hope my body of work speaks for itself & inspire someone out there to keep pushing the envelop.
lol! @ the never used to sleep much:) Insomniacs have a special place reserved for them in heaven, don't they?lol!
-What do you mean you try & sometimes succeed in writing poetry? Oh, I see, humilty is a character trait of great poets. Au sio fav Wordsmith?
spicebear Thanks for realizing that pressurising an art-minded brain yields zilch my friend:) Anyway, I have loads of photos & ideas struggling to come out, some for blog others for other stuff so won't keep Kaybees waiting too long.
Hehe, I would finally have gotten the shut eye I so often try to run away from. Btw, do they sleep up in heaven? Please tell me "NO!", lol, lol!
Couch 'tato Wow! Bro, you better copy what you said & mail it/sms/email it to my parents, siblings & cousins for they're solely responsible for my being thisaway man! Asante sana & I feel honoured. It's a responsibilty I hope to carry with dignity.
- You will surely be remembered & not in simple terms, ask any KBW around you.
Wozup, wazap, wow zap akiey!!! I see you got your thinking hat on again ((grin!)).
Is that MC Hammer doing his thang?? Stop! Hammer Time!!
I will remember you 1st and as a Genuine Friend, The Brother I never had and a down to earth funny guy.
2ndly-- You share, you share generously even when you do not have enough you find ways to make a way. Plus you know your friends better than some know themselves, es verdad companero,si!?
3rd-- You're a clever dude and you act like it aint nothing. Humble and smart and you don't say what PROFESSION you are in, you shy to declare? LOL!
I know you will remember me as the chica that confused Euthenasia (sp??) for a country in Eastern Europe,hehe!
I could be remembered as the one who sat on an idea long enough for it to burn my a## before I took action and wondered why I did not act when I could and be a more succesful business lady?
Everything in it's own time and pace? That is what you remind us, yep?
Hi Aikey, have you watched brokeback mountain 2. Check out the poster on my site.
Be safe there, player.
I would perhaps be remembered as the real Positive & Natural Team Leader who was a CAPTAIN all his life.
That is me in short for those who were bila's. I just get it done one way or the other and bring out the best in the guys am working with.
I shall be remembered as- Irena who kept it very real with no apologies :-)
Hey all, I'm here & there and everywhere doing this and that but will be back here with responses and new posts in a jiffy.
Thanks for sticking around:)
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