When U Blog with The Pope

Fellow bloggers and I have had several uplifting blog conversations with Pope Benedict XVI & I must say he's one avid blogger with a down-to-earth personality. He has an amazing sense of humor and the wit of the guy next door. He gives and takes advice and can even take up any challenge. A blogger friend & I discussed this & we both agreed that so long as this Pope doesn't forget & overstep the boundaries, he'll do fine online & not offend anyone:) For instance:
The Pope needed ideas on his new ride. I suggested an Escalade & to do smth Will Smith said, then I asked: "Would it offend you to call you Ben? Or you don't do the 1st name thing?" and his reply was: "I like the way you think. I need to check out Will Smith's video. Call me Joe." so, to me he's Pope Joe.
Be good & he comes around & blesses your blog with a comment or two. He even suggested on one of my posts that he could take on both fmr Pres. Moi & Garang in a wrestling match. Quite a strong, active Pope this Benedict, sorry, Joe is ! Some people ask him for money, others ask for blessings, you know the everyday stuff that a regular Pope does for regular people. This regular Pope also discusses regular stuff like which unique ringtone to get for his mobile, dealing with Mo' money problems etc.
So, The Vatican too far for you? International calls too expensive? Hey, Blog with the Pope at:
http://askthepope.blogspot.com/ and have fun!!
The Pope's blog is simply hilarious. I think the person behind it is Catholic (it is all in the details). What am I saying? The Pope IS Catholic;)
Am noticing that too Mshairi:) He takes on Church & Vatican stuff with confidence. His funny comments make the blog a must visit. See how many comments he's getting now? He started with about 5 a day now h'es doing about 40! He's a real Pope Star:))
Hey,I like how you caught urself with the "Pope IS Catholic", very funny.
UPDATE: I just checked back Pope Joe's site & he's clocking on average 410 visits a day! That's good!!
At this rate am foreseeing some major company offering BIG BUCKS for this site so they can advertise on the guy's blog or smth!
am just proud that he commented on my blog as well. its almost like not believing in santa clause...u know damn well sure its not him...but....u cant quite put ur finger on it...but.....
That cat is killing me he is too funny...
@akiey lol@ 'pope star'
@ Czar Tito, What's up!?
Am glad you & the Pope Star are close buds now:) Am sure he appreciates your crafting the Coat of Arms, no wonder he dispalyed it on his site.
Guess what?! Soon after leaving u a note I came back & linked to YOUR blog for the 'he comes around and blesses your blog' in my post above.
This & the link from "Pope B16" as someone called him will definitely give you skyrocekting hits. Thanks for extending the 'blessings' to my blog:))!
@ Nick, I feel you on that one. That's the last person I expected to interact with online. Whoever he is he must have a crazy fun side to him. Btw, I see we're becoming regulars at The Vatican. Keep it up, no wonder they speak Swa, or are you the scribe for the Popes?
@ Msanii_xl, I feel you on that one. This Pope must have one huge inbox for all those messages he's getting. Wonder what his day job is!?
am tellin u this pope rocks...now i asked him to give me a shout out in today's mass...and i don't speak much latin but i think i heard a 'nick' in there.
as for bein his scribe ebu chill i hook up my c.v
@ Wanjiru, you bet we do. I wonder what the real Vatican will say when they come across all those weird suggestions people are giving this 'Pope'!!?
Btw, his blog was down for some hrs yesterday & folks kept wonderin what was (not) going on.
Hmmm - that does not sound too good, akiey i.e. that the blog was down yesterday. I hope the Pope continues to blog without interference.
@ Czar tito, I checked back thrice today & the Pope's blog is up again:)
@ Nick, Make sure when this Pope comes to Jamuhuri he gives you a ride in his brand new Escalade popemobile. Did you see it on his blog? it's on the new Coat of Arms designed by Czar Tito.
@ Mshairi, I hope so too. Not to sound shallow but in a way this demystefies the whole idea of the papacy. John Paul II was a great man & did the best he could but I think the more we see our religious leaders as approachable, somewhat everyday people the better we'll all embrace religion in our lives. His blog is back on now:)
wel akiey i was thoroughly amused by the pope i guess its all hilarious, he should see it himself
Aikey I have decided that you the Pope's PR man for the Kenyan segment of the blogsphere so I am going to ask you...where has he gone? Where is his blog?
Only yesterday I passed by and asked him to bless my site and now he has gone?
i haven't had a chance to say thanks for passing by my space..& yeah..this is funny as hell
@ Shiroh, I too am fascinated by his blog. I wonder whether he knew he would get so much attention & a huge following. I hope the real Pope doesn’t get too surprised to see this. Didn’t he promise to use more modern ways to reach the masses? :)
@ Mama JunkYard, Aaah, you put a smile on my face & I feel so honoured already. Now, as the Pope’s PR man for Jamuhuri, do I get to wear designer robes with some of the Black, White, Red & Green? Hope so!
- His blog is back on now. Sorry about the delayed blessings, as the PR guy I’ll make sure it’s in his current schedule. He just needs to polish up on his Swa :)
@ Nehanda, thank you too for dropping by. This Pope’s blog is one place everybody’s sure to get that brow-raising reaction from both the online Pontiff & his growing number of admirers.
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