Cut Above The rest

It features my good friend & neighbour who I hope doesn’t hate me too much for what became of her pair of nice fitting jeans by the time dinner was over.
Background: She’s always kool, kalm & kollekted no matter what the situation. This is one girl that in mid-summer took off on a 5-day, out of state camping trip in the wilderness all by herself & came back to joyfully tell us how she loved it, quickly felt at ease despite the frightening sounds of the animals in their natural habitat, and how much she’s looking forward to heading back there & would love to take us all along.
One of the friends that didn’t laugh in my face but readily embraced my weird ideas of writing a foreign language script & shooting a 1hr documentary in the most unlikely of places & situations....and agreed to be one of the principle characters in it. Brief, this is that friend you get high with, no! not from weed or any of that trash but from the meeting of the minds. That very daring friend everybody needs.
I must have taken the daring side of hers too far when she nodded as I asked her to pass me the knife lying next to her on the coffee table, just next to that delightfully delicious tiramisu cake. What happened next was a typical case of cause & effect. You judge for yourselves & imagine the outcome of this incident :)!
the music on your site too deadly am hooked.
keep up the good work
Akiey thanks soo much bro am soo hooked up to the music... how u doing....
Manze, kama hiyo ingekuwa my darlin Levi's ningekuua:-) okay I admit it si funny as hell but isn't there a link of this photo missing.?:-) Nway you are one dare devil and with buddies like her, I can imagine you two are upto no good in a good way ? . I like the "freinds we get high with:-) I know someone like that who I get high with, do you Akiey:-)))
Are those your mikonos kataring them jeans? How much more was cut?
Tuambie Akiey, tuambie...
Was there any more room for you a la Ginuwine? ;)
Sema my guy...
That's a scary picture:)
Like Milo above, I want to know how much more was cut and whether those were your hands...
Ok, seriously...those EYES!!!
Gishungwa, Thank you & you’re always welcome to watch & listen to more music.
nakeel, Enjoy & don’t stop yourself from shaking what your momma gave ya!,lol! Doing okay, about to hit the outdoors for some of this sun. Jana, my sis teased me eti I’ve become like a jungu am seeking the sun:) With only about 6 weeks of real hott sun left, call me anything for sunning myself. I need that vitamin D stocked up for winter. Hope you’re having a fab day...?
Irena, U know I would only cut & shred your valued Levis jeans with your approval...unless you deny me cake: ) ? Mhhm, link missing? Plz tell so I can fix it.
Yeah, she’s a great, fun person to hang out with & it’s impossible to get bored with folks like her.
"friends we get high with” Irena, I know that friend you get 'high' with. Is it some insomniac in the Buckeye State,lol!?
Milo, The mikonos seriously working on jeans & knife? see comment to Mshairi below
The amazingly delicious tiramisu cake was the only other thing cut & yes, there was more room left…in my tummy for more food, cake & more cake, nimesema yote! The Ginuwine question cracked me big time!
mshairi, I too would be very scared to have my clothing ripped & shredded like,lol!
Mshairi & Milo, the girl’s top is still in one piece & remained so until the party ended. Convinced now? Thanks both of you! The hands look like dinosaur claws, can’t claim ownership of such limbs, tee hee!
Kidada, Confession, had to try & remove red eye effect from the eyes, hope I didn’t make them worse. Personally, I like the expression of shock-fear in her eye. Her? Will let you know when she reads this. If she doesn’t cut my jeans then she liked the photo,lol!
The effect looks like T-rex was in the house, eating the cake...
The cause - T-rex (sorry, claws) decided them jeans looked more delicious than the cake, and he had a knife...
A cut here, a cut there, a snip here, a tear there.. before you know it, there is enough rooms in those jeans!!
hmmmm! is it just me or is that a blunt knife? that the real cause i wonder???? ebu tell us more
Akiey - u aint getting off that easy ;) tops have been known to remain in one piece away from bodies (Pls tell me if i lie). And anyway, is the jeansbegone, top need not follow ;)
I'm awaiting the rungus...
LOL at Naks shaking what her mama gave her - katikaring videadly!!
chomoad the jeans or the knife? Wasn't too clear there ;)
Real Nice. Since we know your talent of reworking photos is there perhaps some chance that her eyes were bulging as a result of some other SIGHT!
Blue not sure i want to know what was happening! knives, knees...tsk tsk...great music! i'm jealous!!
Guess, héhé, your analysis of the cause & effect plus T-rex left me in stitches that the jeans needed badly. T-rex type appetites that led us to raid the kitchen over & over again to spare them jeans.
- Making room in the jeans to stash away some more cake?!
Are there edible jeans? Last I heard they had edible knickers in specialized department stores!?
Nick, Will sms u some cake if you’ve recovered the food poisoning? Pole sana, hope you feel better.
-Rhaahaha, you know blunt objects hav ebeen known to cause lots of harm, right? You’re thinking like Blue below :) Real cause(s)? Cutting & shredding jeans for natural ventilation. Too stingy to use the AC in the house,lol!
Poi, lol, Was just trying to prove chicks right when they say Less is More. So KBW friends coming for dinner chez akiey, he’ll fine dine you (no wine here, sorry!) but don't pass him cuttlery. Remember Anthony Hopkins in Hannibal? Then beware, lol!
Drinking friends...just tea with honey. No alcohol for me. More fun watching folks getting drunk.
Thanks about the pic, fringe benefits of insomnia I guess. Should make you one for Circuit City,lol!
You literally cut to the chase & got it right...was trying to see if she’ll loose her kool, kollekted nature:)
Milo, You don’t lie, héhé! Lol @ jeansbegone, top need not follow! You have a quick creative a mind. Eti the rungus? She'll come comment to give her take on the incident:))
Naks, should also shake keyboard side-to-side like a Kayamba while shaking it like a Polaroid picture. The “it” here doesn’t refer to keyboard or kayamba!
Poi, yep! could you elaborate?...silly me setting myself up for more Qs!
Blue,[pronounced blōō], aie,aie,aie, Your entire statement, I take as a compliment! The knife wasn’t meant to replace anything (hihi!). U make me look at the in her eyes differently now, lol!! Naughty Poet you are...oh, it’s Blue Poet, why am I shocked,lol!!!!
Prousette, Knives, knees, all in good fun. Moral of the story: knice knew jeans kan be replaced, knockout fun with knice friends kant!
Like Nakeel, bop the head, tap them feet & click them fingers & very soon I’ll share the blogvid idea with you. Just need to figure out something about adding more audio-related stuff on it.
You got crazy talent akiey!! The photo is really something like the ads you been making, boy oh boy!
Pure shock and fear in pretty gal's face. You're a nasty host haha!
No drinker but you fella can bring the house down.I wouldn't miss your fun dinners.
By the way Akiey, that knife looks like it has some left over ugali stuck on it:-)
my tummy is all healed! send it over...with a different knife tho...
Diane, Thanx about the photo & dinners you too help make them fun(nier). Btw, if such a bad host why do folks always leave their jackets behind after dinner in the winter? An excuse to come back for more right?lol!
Poi,Making me laugh too loud I'd wake everybody up @ this odd hour of nite. Milo may agree, Thought you meant...
...If you did as much as chomoad a knife to GO DOWN with my jeans...
Sentence 2
...If you did as much asked me to pass you a knife to GO DOWN with my jeans..???
Irena, Oh la la!! Nacheka kwa nguvu sana...eti left over ugali? hihi, it's icing on the cake or prolly the mbosho you had at work yesterday:)
Nick, Coming up 2 tiramisu cakes to the healed blogger called Nick! Btw, I have a tiramisu-related post coming up very shortly. Should create link to Kipepeo's post on the same since we had the cake around the same time on different continents,lol!
-No blunt knives for you, a slasher or panga maybe?!
Milo,Mshairi,Guess & all who asked..err, the dinosaur claws belong to the same person as the one participating in The Touch here:
Now that we've established the owner, can we get insights into the victim in said link???
I meant lucky lady of course ;)
Are those participatory touches still... er. participating (hi Guess)
The music hookup is original.How creative you are akiey.
Bien dessiné et tellelement rigolo ce post et photo akiey. Hyper-génial ce que tu fais avec des images. Tu ne cesseras à me fasciner. Bien compris la parole et qui’est-ce la mignon, hein?
Cool pic Akiey!!!! You're pretty!!!
I mean the avatar dude!
Milo, Victim/lucky lady in the link is a good friend & my ‘tutor ‘of Ebonics. She’s the very 1st one in the little pic with 3 gals just under MJY’s I Support Belize ’05 banner on my sidebar.
“participatory touches” Rhaahaha! Err, depends on how one defines some touches. Participatory means the kind that would leave a silly smile on someone right? Can I plead the 5th on this??lol!
Shobali, Thanks a lot bro. It’s still in test mode. Will try to include vids of stuff that goes on around here with close friends etc, do check back.
Marcel, Héy, copain. Ça roule comment? Merci milles fois, t’es trop gentil mon vieux:) La mignone c’est ma voisine, chouette comme amie et on s’entend très bien. On compte tenter le docu avec elle. Je te passe des nouvelles…
Ms K, Thanks a bunch, a blushy thanks,lol! Errr…I’ll let the avatar one know. The one on the left does the pics for this blog while on the right is the dude that does the text for same blog. Double personality of sorts.
Kipepeo, Sorry I misdirected your reply. Shame on me, Here's to you:
Knives, knees, all in good fun. Moral of the story: knice knew jeans kan be replaced, knockout fun with knice friends kant!
Like Nakeel, bop the head, tap them feet & click them fingers & very soon I’ll share the blogvid idea with you. Just need to figure out something about adding more audio-related stuff on it.
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