The Joginder Connection

Thanks to encouragement from a blogger friend, I got the guts to post this fanatical tale.
As a little pre-nursery school kid, I was so much into the Safari Rally craze that I would sit for hours by the radio or in front of the Tv and attentively follow the rally updates. This was mostly around the time Joginder Singh was winning the annual rally like it was his homemade game or something. I don't know who, or what influenced me to get into this whole rally fanaticism but little as I was, I liked Joginder so much that every time he won, I would be happy for days on end. I bet anyone would be forgiven to think the rally legend was splitting his winnings with the silly boy that I was, lol!
Anyway, as I think back, the Kericho born “Flying Sikh” must have been a superhero of sorts to me (the way Amerikans have Superman, Batman, The Hulk, et al)& there was no way in my mind that Joginder could possibly lose. After all, he always came out the winner, so, he was the rally & the rally was him riiiight? Well, I learnt the truth the hard way.
Much later when I was a little grown, my parents told me that when Joginder finally lost (to Shekhar Mehta I think, don't remember too well when this was), I was in front of the Tv as usual and as soon as they broke the news that my hero had lost I wailed sooo hard, sooo long & sooo much you'd have thought I was bereaved! I was literally depressed for days! (no jokes!)& wouldn't want to go out & play, I refused to eat & worst of all I hated watching Tv for weeks on end. My dear parents weren't much help either, coz they had a ball as they teased me about it for weeks AND years.
I was barely out of nursery school when this happened but every time family or relatives mentioned ‘Joginder’ I thought they were out to tease me. It was both hard & silly but you know I never heard the last of it since the rally happened each year. I just couldn’t avoid being ridiculed. Up to the time I went to college, my mom (I love her to bits) would try & sneak in a Joginder joke that had everybody bursting with laughter, only this time I too found it very funny. Donnoh if that taught me to deal with losses or not but it sure left a mark on my childhood & gave me a reason to laugh at myself years later:)
aaaaaahhhhh I guess that's a baby pic of akiey huh?
Thanks for sharing.
1.Knock knock?
Who's there?
Well..its not Joginder crossin the finshing line!!!!!
u know am just playing...
@ Cilia, I never understood either how as a kid I could get attached to someone I'd never even seen.
You bet my family made sure I didn't forget that loss. Many jokes came out of that:)
@Kenyan Pundit, thanx for visiting. I was kinda unsure whether to post it. Guess I still had the Joginder syndrome.
@ Farmgal, babypic of akiey...maybe, may be not(lol!) Could as well be my gran'mom's baby pic. We all look alike in the fam,lol! Anyway, that's the blogger back in the day.
@Nick, nice joke! Btw, d'you know for twenty-some yrs I wrote the guy's name as 'Joginda', only to learn this year that it's "Jogind-er".
Like Kenyan Pundit, I am glad you blogged about this story - very funny and it takes me back to my youth:)
p.s. Did anyone ever call you 'Joginder'?
i have chekad! This was not only funny but i totally enjoyed it! Am a big safari rally fan, i still think that its the coolest thing ever! It was one of those rare events where you got to stay up late (Christmas eve and Safari Rally). The cars used to pitia our place at night thus the adventure of going out into the night to get a glimpse!
@Mshairi, am glad it took you back to the good old days too: and, hey many thanks for the '1st read'.
One older cousin tried to pin the 'Joginder'name on me but I told him off.
@Afromusing, anything to get you laughing my friend. Happy to know you're also a rallying fan. I envy you to have had the cars pass so close to home:)...and the funny posts on your blog keep me coming back for more:)
My parents used to go to safari rally parties when they were near where we used to live in the Nandi Hills in the 60s. Do you remember when Vic Preston Jnr started winning the rallies, that guy was reckless was'nt he? This was a nice posting as it brought some happy memories.
Great Post Akiey!
Thats a lovely childhood memory.
Though it's bitter sweet, its priceless!
I cant believe I almost missed this - late but still
We loved the safari rally as kicks - and this brought back memories. As for you crying, aaaahh, I think that picture would have been too funny for anyone to let it go....
Cool post, Akiey
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@ Nyakehu, Yeah, I remember Vic Preston Jr’s many wins. He was veeery good too. His dad, the senior was also a rally driver I believe? Btw, the Preston’s are Kenyans, right? Your parents must have had a ball at the rally parties. Hope they took photos for you guys to have as keepsakes:)
@ Shobali, am happy you liked it too. Those memories were kinda bitter was a little, say up to around class 5. I slowly learned to adjust after that & by early sec school it was more fun thinking back to this.
@ Kari, lol!! You make me want to let moms know a blogger thinks she’s all that & some change :). You’re forgiven to think Njiru was the man coz Joginder’s era, although long was just ending when I got hooked on the rally. Kweli, Njiru represented us all very well. Good old days:)
@Wanjiru, Asante sana & wow, didn’t know you had followed the rally along the Kajiado Hills. Am sure you had lots of fun despite the dust & rain. Would have asked you to take pics but since we were in the thick of it we never thought much of taking pics did we?
@ Atlas, thanks for stopping by & am happy the post took you back years.
@ Guess, you made it right on time:) Glad it brought you memeries of the rally too. Was no cry-baby but that's one incident I will never forget.
@ Mshairi, book tag accepted & post coming up shortly, most probably on tafsiri:)
I too was an avid Joghinder geek. He popularised that Volvo PV544 in Kenya..(see my flickr for pics) Its interesting that the pic of him you use is the one taken when he was at the Swedish rally...his first I believe in Europe and his very first "snow rally". He did rather well at it if I remember well. The Prestons were Euro-African(?) and both Snr and Jnr had good careers. I have met many people who were expatriates living in Kenya and they always have a strong sense of nostalgia for the rally. Its good to see them holding the classic eastern africa safari again....if only I was back home!
Sonny, nice to know you geeked for Joginder as well & your knowledge of the rallying world is unmatched! Am impressed by the tons of info you have...such as teh Sweden rally pic, see I just learned smth from you:)
Yeah, I miss that good old rally real badd. Just checked out your pics, very nice! Asante for the rallylink as well.
Yeah, the Prestons are Euro-African with impressive career records.
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